
8 session package

Resilience and Brainspotting Program

Resilience and Brainspotting Program: Therapeutic Session Package (8 sessions)
  • Initial Self-Assessment Session
  • Eight Accompanying Sessions

We will use transpersonal techniques and brainspotting adapted to your specific situation.

Brainspotting is a powerful therapeutic technique focused on the processing and release of trauma. By identifying ‘brainspots’ or specific points in the visual field connected to traumatic experiences, this therapy helps unlock and process repressed emotions. Focusing on these points allows the brain to access and process traumatic memories, facilitating healing more effectively.

Discover how Brainspotting is transforming how we approach and overcome trauma. Includes therapeutic writing or art activities.

Why Brainspotting?

  • Effective in trauma release.
  • Addresses repetitive behaviors like imposter syndrome, concentration, and emotion management skills.
  • Significantly improves anxiety, stress, and depression.


This comprehensive 8-session program strengthens resilience and provides practical tools for facing life’s challenges. If you are looking for personalized and effective therapeutic support, this package is ideal.

Invest in yourself and take advantage of this special opportunity to embark on a journey of personal growth and holistic well-being! Reserve your sessions and take steps towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Price/pack: $600,00 ($75,00/session)

¿Cómo funciona la terapia transpersonal?

Paso 1. Reserva la primera cita
Podrás reservar a través de la web, de forma rápida y sencilla.
Paso 2. Comprueba tu email
Te mandaremos un email con el enlace de la sesión para que puedas conectarte en el día y la hora que has selaccionado. Si no te llega, mira en SPAM o contáctanos.
Paso 3. Cita toma de contacto
La terapia transpersonal te ayuda a desarrollar tu capacidad de hacerte responsable de ti mismo, de tus relaciones, y experiencias, sin culpabilizar al entorno por lo que le sucede; comprendiendo y tomando a la “adversidad” como oportunidad de cambio y desarrollo personal.
Paso 4. Empieza tu proceso
Ahora es tu turno para cambiar tu vida. Siempre que lo necesites, podrás contratar más sesiones de seguimiento para poder evaluar tu progreso.
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