
María Elena Mejía

Learn more about my story and experiences that have made today's PAUSA a reality.


I am Maria, and I live in the United States. On my life journey, I experienced setbacks and pains that led me to take a PAUSE to reflect on why I was repeating painful situations and how to avoid them. That pause marked the beginning of a deep journey of self-inquiry in search of answers.

Throughout this journey, I realized that looking inward was the key to finding peace. Slowly but surely, I found the answers I had longed for. Despite having a successful career in the financial world, I felt that there was a deeper purpose I needed to fulfill. Psychology and transpersonal development called me strongly, and I knew I had to share this knowledge to help others on their own path of healing and growth.

What Only the Soul Understands:

Life taught me that it’s a path of constant change and evolution. While moments in my past caused me pain and shame, I learned to see them as life teachers. The important thing was what I would do with those lessons. With humility and love, I accepted my reality and decided that my actions wouldn’t cause harm to others. My motto became “Let’s Consciously Avoid Collateral Damage,” I deeply desired to help others find that same peace and compassion.

From a young age, I was always seeking answers, intrigued by human behavior and philosophical principles. However, I put aside my studies in those areas because I believed they wouldn’t be economically sustainable. But my passion continued to beat in my heart, and finally, on the verge of turning 50 years old, I decided to heed the call of my soul.

Everything aligned with my life purpose, and my calling became clear: I wanted to serve others from an authentic place based on my own experiences and learning. I left behind my career in finance and embarked on a new life cycle, this time in the field of psychology.

My Calling:

Providing both group and individual support to people going through existential crises due to trauma became my mission. My self-inquiry and inner work program were designed to help them find answers and heal.

But my work didn’t stop at my private practice. As part of my commitment to the community, I collaborate with various nonprofit organizations. Together, we support minority groups in the United States through the “MENTAL HEALTH FOR ALL” initiative. The goal is to raise awareness about repetitive behaviors of generational trauma and teach how to transform them using the tools of transpersonal therapy in the theoretical/practical workshop on Generational Trauma and how to apply “Resilience Therapy.”

Thus, I followed my heart and became an advocate and guide for those seeking answers and healing. My life purpose has found its path, and my calling to serve others is more alive than ever. With each step I take, I want to leave a trail of hope and transformation on my journey.



«I arrived by chance with María without expecting much from the session. It was my first time discovering my Numerology, and I was skeptical of the process. Maria explained everything in very detail and with a lot of patience. The session surprised me; they gave me many self-knowledge tools to understand and get to know myself better”.



«María has opened the door to what was inside me. She has shown me my talents and gifts, and she shows me the path to follow with a series of clues. Talking with her, I felt that everything she said was TRUE, and I felt deeply aligned with what she had. This gives me the confidence and power to evolve and let my full potential unfold. Thank you”.



«María, thank you very much for giving me such a special gift. You helped me understand and confirm things going around in my head that I hadn’t quite figured out. Thank you for your time, for sharing your knowledge, and for explaining to me patiently and clearly. May this be the first of many conversations! I would love to continue delving into the subject and share my experience with you ».



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